Monday, August 3, 2009

Christian Women's Connection Luncheon August 12
Featuring Terry Sovey's 20th Century First Ladies Dolls

The Dickinson Area Christian Women's Connection will host their monthly luncheon Wednesday, August 12, at Pine Grove Country Club, 1520 W. Hughitt, from noon to 1:30 p.m.

Our speaker this month is Becky McDonough of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Becky is a busy mom working in the health care industry. In her talk, “Confessions of a Control Freak,” she tells how she thought she had to be perfect to be loved. This led to her wanting to control everything in her life. She ended up doing things that made her life even more out of control. After asking Jesus to take control of her life, she has learned to trust Him with everything including two rounds of cancer.

We are very pleased to have Terry Ann Sovey and a portion of her collection of First Ladies dolls as our special feature this month. Terry is a doll collector and doll maker. She also gives lessons in doll making. Terry is a former teacher, loves history and enjoys showing and speaking about dolls that are part of it. The First Ladies and their stories have always intrigued her. She has collected all of the First Ladies but four.

Terry will be focusing her feature on the 20th Century Christian First Ladies – Devoted Wives and Mothers. These four dolls will be the ones with which most of us are familiar. Terry has taken her information from many sources, but her favorite source is “The Secrets of the First Ladies” which gives insight into their real lives and personalities.

The menu will feature chicken marsala, rice pilaf, candied carrots, coffee, milk, and peach pie for dessert.

All are welcome and invited to attend. Cost of the luncheon is $12 inclusive with free nursery available upon reservation. Please provide children's names and ages.

Reservations are required by August 9. Please call Ann Brasure at 906-776-0367 or e-mail Sherri Erickson at

Interested in finding out more about our organization? Check out our websites:,, or e-mail us at

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